In bulb farming the use of pesticides for crop protection and bulb disinfection is extensive. To estimate long-term occupational exposure to pesticides, generic levels of exposure specific to the method of working were needed. In order to derive these values, dermal and inhalation exposure to the fungicide mixture zineb/maneb was assessed for different methods of mixing and loading a wettable powder formulation. Further, dermal exposure was also assessed for two methods of disinfection of bulbs. Observed exposure was expressed in terms of method-specific levels of exposure, which makes it possible to compare exposure resulting from different methods of working, with respect to the amount of pesticide handled, or whether ladling the pesticide with a scoop or dipping the bulbs using baskets resulted in high exposure. Moreover, the relative importance of dermal and inhalation exposure routes was estimated. The results show that during mixing and loading with bare hands dermal exposure is by far the greater contributor (greater than 99%) to the total estimated exposure. Comparing these results and also some preliminary results of the dermal protection provided by working gloves, with tentative health-based limit values of exposure, emphasize the need for a programme on appropriate dermal protection.