Purpose: We used a scanning laser ophthalmoscope (SLO) evoked multifocal electroretinography (mf-ERG) to evaluate retinal function in patients with Stargardt's disease. SLO microperimetry could demonstrate the size of central retinal scotoma very well in these patients. The aim of the examination was to correlate the results of SLO mf-ERG and SLO microperimetry.
Methods: In four patients with Stargardt's disease SLO mf-ERG and SLO microperimetry were performed. The area of measurement in the SLO mfERG had a 24 degrees diameter (12 degrees visual angle) at the posterior pole of the eye. Stimulation was done using a helium-neon laser (632.8 nm). Simultaneous control of fixation was made using a infrared laser (730 nm). SLO microperimetry was performed with stimuli having the size of Goldmann III stimuli and the intensities 0 dB, 12 dB and 20 dB. In this study the reduction of SLO mfERG amplitudes was correlated to graded stimulus intensities in the SLO microperimetry.
Results: The area of reduced retinal function in the SLO mf-ERG measurement could be well correlated to the size of the scotoma in the SLO microperimetry, using the stimulus Goldmann III with the intensity 20 dB.
Conclusion: SLO mfERG and SLO microperimetry are sensitive methods for quantifying functional deficits and are therefore useful for performing a detailed examination of the retina.