Previous studies have indicated that amyloid precursor protein (APP) might be a trophic agent in the nervous system, possibly through the regulation of cell adhesion and the protease/protease inhibitor activity. Additionally, APP is upregulated during the development of the nervous system. In order to further study the role of APP in neuritic outgrowth, we examined the patterns of distribution of APP in the immature neonatal rat brain (P1). Laser-scanning confocal imaging of double-immunolabeled sections showed that a subpopulation of the anti-GAP43-immunoreactive outgrowing neurites contained APP immunoreactivity in the neocortex and hippocampus. These fine, long neuritic processes were also positive with antibodies against phosphorylated neurofilaments and were glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) negative. In addition, anti-APP strongly immunolabeled neurons in the inner cortical layers, while GAP43 strongly immunolabeled the neuropil surrounding them. These observations are consistent with a previous study where APP was localized to aberrant sprouting neurites and suggest a possible role for APP in neuritic outgrowth in plaques of patients with Alzheimer's disease (AD), which might explain the abnormal neuritic response found in AD.