Gastroenterologists are often frustrated in their efforts to deliver a feeding tube by endoscopic guidance into the small bowel because of retrograde migration during the withdrawal of the endoscope. We describe a clip assisted endoscopic method whereby a nasoenteric feeding tube can be reliably delivered into the distal duodenum. A nasoduodenal tube with a 3-0 silk suture sewn on its distal tip is inserted into the stomach. The suture on the feeding tube is grasped by a clip-fixing device. Then, the endoscope with feeding tube is advanced into the distal duodenum and the tube is fixed on a mucosal fold by clipping. We used this technique to successfully place nasoenteric tubes into the distal duodenum in 9 patients. There were no procedure-related complications, and no bleeding or perforation due to removal of the feeding tubes was observed. We conclude that this clip-assisted endoscopic method is a reliable modality for placing nasoenteric tubes.