This experimental study in an animal liver metastasis model (adenocarcinoma) investigated whether the "cooling effect" can be eliminated by temporary embolization with starch microspheres (Spherex) and the hyperthermic efficiency was improved. In this connection, groups of 15 test animals were treated with LITTmono, Embolizationmono or LITTembolization. In the LITTembolization group, 1/15 animals had vital tumor tissue after 24 h, 7 and 28 days, but tumor growth was found in the other 2 groups in 13/15 (LITTmono) and 14/15 (Embolization(mono)). These results demonstrate that the application of starch microspheres led to a significant increase in the hyperthermic effect of LITT under the selected testing conditions.