Objective: The purpose of this study was to compare the effectiveness of a consultative model of intervention with that of direct-indirect intervention for meeting goals of preschool students with mild motor delays.
Method: Two occupational therapists provided consultation to teams working with 11 children 1 day a week for all 40 weeks of the school year. A different occupational therapist provided direct-indirect treatment to another 9 children for a full week every 3 weeks for the 40 weeks of the school year. Data for both groups used in this study were kept for the last 4 months at the end of the school year or as the children appeared to be nearing completion of their goals of the study. All therapists met with their teams twice a month to plan and review progress. All parents carried out activities with their children at home. Goal Attainment Scaling was used to examine progress.
Results: No statistically significant differences were found between the two types of intervention (t = .359; df = 18; p = .724).
Conclusion: The study suggests that a consultative model and a direct-indirect model are equally effective in meeting objectives for preschoolers with relatively mild motor impairments.