Among 600 operated retinal detachments in the last 5 years (1985-1989) there was no tight closure of the retinal hole after operation in 78. The causes were: the implant situated paracentrally to the hole, lack of contact between the implant and the hole, an insufficient scar, additional hole. Various types of the performed surgery were analyzed: the meridional or parallel implant, the balloon and endotamponade with the SF6 gas, executed with and without drainage of the subretinal fluid. In cases in which in the postoperative course was detected a lack of tightness of the hole the laser photocoagulation was performed in the area of the flat retinal detachment on the implant in a couple of stages. A favourable result of photocoagulation was attained in 75 patients (96.2 p.c.); in the remaining 3 patients (3.8 p.c.) a second surgical procedure was performed.