Objectives: To evaluate the prevalence of stroke and transient ischaemic attack in the elderly population, including the oldest residents, of a rural Italian community.
Methods: A door-to-door survey was performed between April and October 2001 in 2390 subjects aged 65 years and over. A symptom questionnaire validated by medical records and neurological examination was employed.
Results: Complete information was available for 2260 subjects. The overall prevalence of stroke was 8.2% in males and 5.1% in females. In the very elderly, this increased to 10.7% in males and 10% in females and decreased only in males aged 90 years or over. The overall prevalence of transient ischaemic attack was 7% in males and 4.9% in females. This, too, increased with age, reaching 10.2% in males and 7.4% in females and decreased only in subjects of both sexes aged 85 years or over.
Conclusions: An actual estimate of the high prevalence of cerebrovascular disease in the elderly population, even in very old subjects, was thus achieved. Appropriate health care services consequently need to be planned.