A recombinant plasmid p66B containing the midecamycin 4"-acylase gene was obtained by cloning this gene into plasmid vetor pIJ680 from the primary clone pCN6C5, presumably harboring the midecamycin biosynthetic gene. The expression of the midecamycin 4"-acylase gene (p66B) in spiramycin producing strains resulted mainly in the production of 4"-isovalerylspiramycin. Another positive clone pCN10F5 was discovered from the genomic library of S. mycarofacians 1748 by probing with p66B DNA BamHI-BamHI 2.3kb fragment. A BamHI-BamHI 8.0kb homologous region on pCN10F5 was determined by Southern hybridization and was subcloned into plasmids pWHM3 and pIJ680. Recombinant plasmids pWF5 and p6F5 with molecular size about 15.2kb and 13.3kb, respectively, were obtained. Transformation of spiramycin producing strains with these plasmids resulted in the production of two major components. Based on their physicochemical properties and spectral evidences, component I was identified as 4"-propionylspiramycin III, and component II as 4"-propionylspiramycin II. Southern hybridization confirmed that the BamHI-BamHI 8.0kb fragment was cloned in the spiramycin producing strain. Only pCN10F5 clone was identified from the genomic library of S. mycarofaciens 1748 when the 4"-isovaleryltransferase gene of carbomycin producing strain S. thermotolerans was used as a probe in colony hybridization. It suggests that there is a difference between the 4"-acyltransferase genes in the pCN6C5 and pCN10F5 clones.