What does the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test (CFT) measure in criminal offenders? This study examined neuropsychological and personality test correlates of performance on the Complex Figure Test in a sample of 110 incarcerated criminal offenders. Three standard CFT scores-copy accuracy, memory recall accuracy, and organizational quality-did not discriminate between violent and nonviolent offenders, and were not correlated with either Psychopathy Checklist scores or self-reported anger using the Novaco Anger Scales. CFT performance was significantly correlated with two other standard neuropsychological measures, a short form of the Category Test and the Trail Making Test. As might be expected, CFT scores were positively correlated with WAIS-R Block Design, and to a lesser extent Vocabulary. Organizational quality scores were significantly correlated with the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale. Approximately 27 to 36% of the variance in CFT scores could be explained by the combination of minority status, measures of nonverbal cognitive performance, and self-reported impulsivity.