Background & aims: Germline mutations in hepatocyte nuclear factor 1alpha (TCF1/HNF-1alpha) are associated with maturity-onset diabetes of the young type 3 (MODY3), and somatic biallelic inactivations of the gene are found in hepatocellular adenomas and liver adenomatosis. This study investigated cosegregation of HNF-1alpha germline mutations with diabetes and liver adenomatosis in 2 families.
Methods: Two unrelated patients with liver adenomatosis and harboring HNF-1alpha germline and somatic mutations were studied. Subsequently, we screened 9 relatives in the 2 independent families for diabetes, hepatocellular adenomas, and HNF-1alpha germline mutations.
Results: In family A, a father and his son presented with an intraperitoneal hemorrhagic rupture of a liver adenomatosis without diabetes. A heterozygous R229X germline mutation was identified in HNF-1alpha in the father and his son and also in his second 27-year-old son without hepatocellular adenomas. In family B, a diagnosis of liver adenomatosis was made fortuitously in a 14-year-old girl. A heterozygous G55fsX57 germline mutation in HNF-1alpha was identified in this patient, her diabetic father, and her 2 sisters. Systematic exploration showed liver adenomatosis in the 2 sisters. Somatic inactivation of the second HNF-1alpha allele was found in liver tumors in both families.
Conclusions: This study describes familial liver adenomatosis and shows the association with germline HNF-1alpha mutations in adults and children. It also highlights the importance of screening for hepatocellular adenomas, diabetes, and HNF-1alpha germline mutations in relatives of patients with liver adenomatosis. Finally, prevalence of liver adenomatosis remains to be evaluated in MODY3 subjects.