Basis: The objective of the present work is to evaluate the quality of life of a group of patients with breast cancer after a long follow-up time.
Methods: 104 patients with breast cancer in initial stages, of a total of 125 to whom the questionnaire was sent, have completed the general questionnaire QLQ-C30 and the module of the breast QLQ-BR23 of the EORTC in 2001, five years after their diagnosis. A subgroup of 48 patients had completed these questionnaires in 1996. The scorings of quality of life and the differences among the measurements of 2001 and 1996 have been evaluated, and groups organized according to the stage, the type of treatment, and the surgery have been compared.
Results: The scorings of quality of life are appropriate and similar in both periods (1996 and 2001). There are alterations in the sexual function and concern over the future. The differences between the type of surgery focus on the corporal image. There are not significant differences in the analyses according to the stage or according to the type of treatment.
Conclusions: The scorings of quality of life indicate that the situation of these patients is satisfactory. The differences in the type of surgery are similar to the ones observed in the literature.