Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compare the usefulness of soft-copy images displayed on a cathode ray tube (CRT) with hard-copy images (film images) for detecting ureteral stones on abdominal radiography.
Materials and methods: Five radiologists read images from 50 cases of ureteral stones and 50 normal cases diagnosed on the basis of intravenous urography and CT. For hard-copy reading, 10-bit images at 3,520x4,280 pixels obtained by computed radiography were printed on 14x17-inch films. For soft-copy reading, 8-bit images were displayed on a 17-inch monochrome monitor at 1,024x1,280 pixels. The study items were area under receiver operating characteristics (ROC) curve (Az), ureteral stone detection sensitivity and specificity, and reading time.
Results: For soft-copy and hard-copy images, the average Az values were 0.855 and 0.851, sensitivity was 62.8% and 62%, and specificity was 70.8% and 62.4%, respectively. There were no statistically significant differences between these values. Reading time was 106.6 min for soft-copy images, significantly longer than the 71.2 min for hard-copy images (p<0.05).
Conclusion: Although soft-copy image reading time was longer than hard-copy image reading time, the ability to diagnose ureteral stones on abdominal radiography did not differ for soft- and hard-copy images.