Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine health problems of citizens of the city of Obihiro with reference to the Healthy Japan 21 plan.
Method: The subjects were a total of 2,000 men and women (6-74 years old) who were selected at random from the resident ledger of Obihiro. The questionnaire included the 6 fields (nutrient intake/dietary habits, physical activity/exercise, rest/mental health, tobacco, alcohol, dental health) of Healthy Japan 21. The path-analysis model was used by sex, in order to examine the relationship between lifestyle factors (dietary habits, restful sleep, stress, smoking habits, alcohol intake) and subjective health.
Results: A total of 979 subjects (49.0%) responded. The items that showed a higher proportion than for all Japan were as follows: the proportions of persons who felt stress, required a drug or alcohol to sleep, drank heavily, and were female smokers. In questions about the harm caused to health by smoking, the following items showed lower awareness than deserved: bronchitis, gastric ulcer, problems with regard to pregnancy, and periodontitis. The following characteristics were found in the path-analysis: 1) If sleep rest is sufficient, subjective health is unaffected by stress in men and women; 2) Smoking affects dietary habits in men and women, especially in the latter; 3) Heavy smoking affects subjective health in men and women independent of whether dietary habits are good; 4) There is a positive relation between drinking and subjective health in women.
Conclusion: This study showed that stress and smoking are problems for the health of citizens of the city of Obihiro, and suggested that the best measure to counter stress is sufficient sleep, while to counter smoking spread of knowledge about the harm to health caused by smoking is best.