The authors defined esophageal anatomy and evaluated esophageal cancer staging in a pilot group by comparing endoscopic magnetic resonance (MR) imaging results with pathologic and endoscopic ultrasonographic (US) results when available. A porcine esophagus, one volunteer, and 23 patients suspected of having esophageal cancer were imaged at 0.5 T. MR imaging was successful in 21 patients. Eight of these patients underwent esophagectomy (one after chemotherapy, which invalidated comparison with MR imaging; another did not undergo lymphadenectomy) and one underwent laparoscopy and nodal staging only; eight underwent US. When verified with pathologic staging, endoscopic MR imaging was accurate in six of seven patients (T stage) and five of six patients (N stage; nodal areas too obscured by artifact for comparison in one case). MR imaging and US results concurred in seven of eight (T stage) and five of eight (N stage) patients. No complications were observed. Endoscopic MR imaging is safe and probably comparable to endoscopic US, but with a tendency to overstage the disease.
Copyright RSNA, 2004