Background: The standard polypropylene mesh used in Lichtenstein's operation induces a strong foreign-tissue reaction with potentially harmful effects. A mesh with less polypropylene could possibly be beneficial.
Patients and methods: Six hundred men with inguinal hernias were randomized to Lichtenstein's operation with Prolene or Vypro II in a single-blinded multicenter trial. The randomization was performed by a computer algorithm in a database through the Internet. All data were entered and directly validated in the database through the Internet.
Results: The meshes had comparable results in return to work, return to daily activities, complications, postoperative pain, and quality of life during the first 8 weeks of rehabilitation.
Conclusions: Lichtenstein's operation with either Prolene or Vypro II is safe and well tolerated with an acceptable postoperative rehabilitation time and a high quality of life 2 months after surgery. The study was facilitated by the use of a database through the Internet.