Background: The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery (VATS) in the diagnosis and therapy of clinical mediastinal lymphadenopathies.
Methods: In our Institute, from 1995 to 2001, 85 patients underwent VATS biopsy: 55 subjects (group 1) for suspected lung cancer (65%) and 30 (group 2) for unknown nodes enlargement (35%). Lymphonodes were considered suspected if > 1 cm by radiological imaging. We performed 83 thoracoscopic biopsies: 33 in level 5 (39%), 24 in level 6 (29%), 19 in level 7 (22%), and 7 in level 8 (8%).
Results: A histological analysis of frozen sections was made in every case. Twenty subjects underwent lung resection in one-time (24%). Histology in group 1 was adenocarcinoma in 28 cases, epidermoid carcinoma in 14, microcytoma in 9, and giant-cell carcinoma in 4. Ten patients were at stage I, 10 at stage II, 33 at stage III, and two at stage IV. Histology of group 2 was lymphoma in 18 cases, sarcoidosis in eight, and focal aspecific hyperplasia in four.
Conclusion: The usefulness of VATS allowed the pathological assessment of the presumed involved mediastinal lymph nodes in every patient and thus permitted to assure in all the cases the indicated therapeutic treatment.