Precise assessment of stroke outcome is critical for pre-clinical testing of cerebroprotective strategies. Differences in stroke volume measured by various magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques are documented in humans, but not well described in experimental primate stroke. This study characterizes changes in stroke volume using serial MRI scans in a baboon model of reperfused cerebral ischemia. The location/area of hyperintensity on MRI corresponded with the TTC-stained infarct region. T2-weighted fast spin echo (T2W FSE), fluid attenuated inversion recovery (FLAIR), and diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) showed a decrease in infarct volume between 72 h and nine days post-ischemia (p = ns, p = 0.029, and p = 0.006). T2W FSE and FLAIR demonstrated an increase in infarct volume from 24 h to nine days post-ischemia, while DWI displayed a decrease over the same period. While early T2W FSE, FLAIR, and DWI all correlated with late infarct volume (p < 0.001), 72 h T2W FSE was the best direct measure (2.39% +/- 1.40% unity deviation). Serial MRI in a nonhuman primate model of focal cerebral ischemia recapitulates findings in clinical stroke. MRI at 72 h accurately predicts late infarct volume.