Introduction: The world-wide outbreak of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in the spring of 2003 highlighted the importance of reliable surveillance for infectious diseases. The aim of this investigation is to identify possibilities for the improvement of the German surveillance system based on the experiences made during the SARS epidemic 2003.
Methods: The RKI has established two linked databases for the surveillance of SARS, to store case-based data on SARS and to keep a record of inquiries by the public health system. Based on these data we evaluated the information flow for the surveillance of SARS mainly qualitatively.
Results and discussion: With occurrence of the first SARS case in Germany a nationwide surveillance system for SARS was established. Since Germany was exclusively confronted with imported SARS cases, the surveillance system could fulfil the requirements. It is unclear, however, whether the current procedures are sufficient to manage larger epidemics of emerging diseases. For this task the public health system needs a uniform electronic information management system which allows rapid adaptation to the epidemic situation and is able to deal with a large amount of data.