THE AIM of the present study was to evaluate the trends in morbidity and mortality from ischemic heart disease and stroke in Kaunas population aged 25-64 years from 1983 to 2002.
Material and methods: The source of data is the official mortality statistics and Kaunas population-based ischemic heart disease and stroke registers. The methods used for the data collection were those applied by the WHO MONICA project. The object - all permanent residents of Kaunas aged 25-64 years who died from ischemic heart disease and stroke in 1983-2002 and experienced ischemic heart disease or stroke in 1983-2000. The age-standardized rates were calculated by the direct method and using the Segi's World and European population as a standard. Trends were analyzed using the method of linear regression on logarithms of the age-standardized annual rates.
Results: During 1983 to 2000, the morbidity from acute myocardial infarction among Kaunas men aged 25-64 years decreased by 0.8%/yr. (p=0.08), and during 1986-2000, the morbidity from stroke among men of the same age was without significant changes (-0.4%/yr., p=0.5). Among women, both the morbidity from acute myocardial infarction (1.6%/yr., p=0.006) and the morbidity from stroke (2.9%/yr., p=0.000002) rates among women increased statistically significantly. During 1983 to 2002, the mortality rates from acute myocardial infarction and stroke decreased statistically significantly among both men and women: among men - by 2.2%/yr., p=0.003, and by 2.9%/yr., p=0.004, respectively; among women - by 2.6%/yr., p=0.005, and by 3.2%/yr., p=0.002, respectively.
Conclusions: The morbidity of acute myocardial infarction and stroke remained without significant changes among Kaunas men aged 25-64 years, while it increased statistically significantly among women of the same age during the last two decades. Among both men and women the mortality rates from both ischemic heart disease and stroke decreased significantly from 1983 to 2002.