During the last 30 years, there has been expansion of the role of endoscopic partial laryngectomy procedures since Jako, Strong, and Vaughan explored the possibilities of CO2 laser microlaryngeal procedures. Despite the fact that a number of investigators have verified the validity of endolaryngeal laser resection of mid-sized glottic cancer, there are many who are unfamiliar with the technique and others who are uncomfortable with sectioning the tumor to facilitate its resection. In the past 3 years, 15 patients underwent successful en block resection of mid-sized glottic cancer (T1b 2, T2b 11, T3 2). Because en block resection is more consistent with open oncologic approaches, this method should widen the acceptance of this approach in selected lesions. The nuances of en block endoscopic frontolateral laryngectomy are presented with the hope that more surgeons will adopt this philosophy as an aspect of their armamentarium.