Application fields of RT-PCR (reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction) in clinical diagnosis comprises the assessment of viral load for RNA viruses and the analysis of gene transcription products. RT-PCR is also helpful when large genes have to be sequenced. Developments of quantitative approaches using real-time PCR recently led to a major widening of RT-PCR applications in clinical diagnosis. However, RT reaction is delicate due to its lack of reproducibility and to RNA lability and frequent contamination by DNA. In some cases additional difficulties come from the need to obtain a specific amplification in the presence of homologous sequences which might be present in higher amounts than the sequence of interest. These caveats have to be taken into account, when designing the RT protocol, and when choosing PCR primers and internal and/or external references. This review is aimed at helping the experimental setup of a RT-PCR based assay according to the objectives.
Copyright John Libbey Eurotext 2003