Inbred ES lines, though useful for generating targeted mutations in mice, are used infrequently. To appreciate the relative efficiency of inbred ES lines, a C57BL/6 ES line was compared with 129 strain ES lines for effectiveness in chimera formation leading to the establishment of targeted mutations in mice. Data from a transgenic facility spanning 7 years were collected. C57BL/6 ES cells injected into Balb/c embryos results in lower coat color chimerism than do 129 ES cells injected into C57BL/6 embryos. Combined data indicate that five independent targeted C57BL/6 clones should be injected as compared to three independent 129 clones to generate enough chimeras to effectively test for germ-line transmission. Thus, although less efficient than 129 ES lines, the C57BL/6 ES line is a relatively competent line and useful for the routine generation of targeted mutations in mice on a defined genetic background.