Inadequate access to patient information at the point of care has been identified as an impediment to the health care process. To create clinical computing tools that are useful to and used by clinicians, developers of clinical information systems must have accurate models of the users for whom their systems are intended. To create these models, the information needs of clinicians must be understood. While the wireless handheld environment offers many advantages such as the ability to provide mobile access to information, there are a number of challenges. Developing for this environment differs from the laptop and desktop environments due to features such as processing power, screen size, input mechanism, and bandwidth. PalmCIS (Palm-based Clinical Information System) is a clinical application being developed at New York Presbyterian Hospital (NYPH) that provides clinicians with access to patient data via a wireless handheld device. We are using an automated technique to uncover patient-specific information needs of clinicians while using a patient record system. With the results, we can enhance PalmCIS.