The aim of this study was to evaluate tolerability and efficacy of phenylbutyrate (PB) in patients with spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). Ten patients with SMA type II confirmed by DNA studies (age range 2.6-12.7 years, mean age 6.01) were started on oral PB (triButyrate) in powder or tablets. The dosage was 500 mg/kg per day (maximum dose 19 g/d), divided in five doses (every 4 h, skipping one night-dose) using an intermittent schedule (7 days on and 7 days off). Measures of efficacy were the change in motor function from baseline to 3 and 9 weeks, by means of the Hammersmith functional motor scale. In children older than 5 years, muscle strength, assessed by myometry, and forced vital capacity were also measured. We found a significant increase in the scores of the Hammersmith functional scale between the baseline and both 3-weeks (P < 0.012) and 9-weeks assessments (P < 0.004). Our results indicate that PB might be beneficial to SMA patients without producing any major side effect. Larger prospective randomised, double-blind, placebo controlled trials are needed to confirm these preliminary findings.