The evaluation of dentition status in HIV-infected patients

Rocz Akad Med Bialymst. 2003:48:141-4.


Purpose: The aim of the study was the evaluation of dentition status in patients infected with HIV.

Material and methods: We examined 30 HIV + patients, aged 20-46 and 30 non-infected subjects as the control group. Oral hygiene and dentition status were estimated. Oral hygiene status using simplified OHI-plague index according to Green and Vermilion. Dentition status was analysed using decay intensity index (DMF) as well as teeth loss index according to Rogowiec. The results were analysed in dependence on HIV infection with regard to infection time.

Results: The results point to a high intensity of decay in HIV+ patients (23.66). There was a positive correlation between infection time and decay intensity and teeth loss evaluated using Rogowiec index. Unsatisfactory oral hygiene status (OHI > or = 1) was observed in 53.33% of infected patients. There is a relation between infection time and oral hygiene status. OHI-plague index increased in patients with infection time longer than 5 years up to 2.99 (patients with shorter than 5 years infection time--1.17 and the control group--0.57).

Conclusions: 1. There is a positive correlation between HIV infection and dentition status and oral hygiene. 2. Infection time influences index values: decay intensity, teeth missing, and oral hygiene. 3. HIV+ subjects are patients of high necessity of therapy and because of their basic disease they should come within broadened health education and prophylactic activities.

MeSH terms

  • Adult
  • DMF Index*
  • Female
  • HIV Infections*
  • Humans
  • Male
  • Middle Aged
  • Oral Hygiene Index*