Background: The electrophysiological properties of myoblast cultures established from the human and porcine rhabdosphincter (RS) and porcine lower limb muscle (LLSKM) were studied to elucidate their potential for tissue engineering applications in the lower urinary tract.
Methods: Muscle biopsies were collected from the prostatic part of the RS, the RS of male pigs, and the porcine LLSKM. Ion channels were studied by means of the patch-clamp technique.
Results: Only one subtype each of voltage gated Na+ and Ca2+ channels was observed in porcine RS and LLSKM. Two types of voltage gated Ca2+ channels were identified in human RS cells. The porcine RS and LLSKM myoblasts displayed similar fusion competence.
Conclusions: Porcine RS and LLSKM myoblasts and human RS and human skeletal muscle cells show a high degree of similarity. Injection of autologous skeletal muscle myoboblasts in the lower urinary tract might, therefore, represent a promising approach to treat stress incontinence after radical prostatectomy.
Copyright 2004 Wiley-Liss, Inc.