Background and objectives: The authors evaluate the effectiveness and the cosmetic results obtained using the new skin closing system MEDIZIP Surgical Zipper in oncological immuno-compromised patients submitted to median sternotomy.
Methods: In our Institute, from 1999 to 2002, MEDIZIP was used to close the sternal wounds in 45 patients undergoing median sternotomy for bilateral metastasectomy, It took about half a minute (mean time: 32.00 +/- 11.48 sec) to perform the application. To evaluate the cosmetic results, a three-level scale was conceived: level 1: very good, level 2: satisfactory, level 3: inadequate.
Results: Overall forty-two 20 cm-long zippers were used, two 25 cm-long and one 30 cm-long. MEDIZIP remained in situ for an average of 9.98 +/- 2.23 days (median: 9 days; range: 8-13 days). The average time taken for inspection was 70.00 +/- 2.48 sec (median: 70, range: 45-130) and the zipper was removed in a few seconds. No wound infections were observed. We classified 39 patients at level 1 (very good, 87%), and 6 at level 2 (satisfactory, 13%).
Conclusions: MEDIZIP can be considered an effective skin-closure system which is easily and quickly handled and assures good cosmetic results with non-invasive removal; it proves particularly useful in pediatric patients and in adults affected by neoplastic diseases and undergoing multiple combined anti-cancer treatments.