The purpose of this study was the analysis of number and structure of new solid tumours and tumour morbidity among children 0-17 years old, in the Lublin Region of Poland, from 1988 to 2000. The analysis was based on sex, age and place of domicile (urban/rural region). During this time in the Lublin Region 344 cases of childhood solid tumours were reported; it was 36.4% of all childhood cancers diagnosed in this region. The structure of the disease was related to sex, age and the place of living. The mean morbidity rate was 42.2 per 1 mln (among boys - 42.2, girls - 42.4). The highest incidence rate was observed among children 0-4 years old (78.1 per 1 million). Higher morbidity was noted among patients living in urban regions (47.3 vs 37.6 / million).