The 5-year risk of progression after complete resection of liver metastases is of 50% to 75%. Trials which have evaluated adjuvant systemic chemotherapy using 5FU--folinic acid, sometimes in association with intra-arterial chemotherapy, are not powerful and did not demonstrate a clear survival benefit. It is strongly recommended to participate to clinical trials. An adjuvant chemotherapy with the LV5FU2 regimen during 6 months is a reasonable option if the patient has not been included in a trial (professional agreement). A preoperative chemotherapy is not recommended if liver metastases are considered as right away resectable but it should be discussed if resectability is uncertain and/or in case of pejorative factors (professional agreement). If metastases resection has been facilitated or made possible by pre-operative chemotherapy, post-operative resumption of this chemotherapy should also been discussed (professional agreement).