The sequencing of the human genome has led to the availability of an extensive mapped clone resource that is ideal for the construction of DNA microarrays. These genomic clone microarrays have largely been used for comparative genomic hybridisation studies of tumours to enable accurate measurement of copy number changes (array-CGH) at increased resolution. We have utilised these microarrays as the target for chromosome painting and reverse chromosome painting to provide a similar improvement in analysis resolution for these studies in a process we have termed array painting. In array painting, chromosomes are flow sorted, fluorescently labelled and hybridised to the microarray. The complete composition and the breakpoints of aberrant chromosomes can be analysed at high resolution in this way with a considerable reduction in time, effort and cytogenetic expertise required for conventional analysis using fluorescence in situ hybridisation. In a similar way, the resolution of cross-species chromosome painting can be improved and we present preliminary observations of the organisation of homologous DNA blocks between the white cheeked gibbon chromosome 14 and human chromosomes 2 and 17.