Known and documented factors attributable to ERCP-related complications include the experience and technique of the endoscopist as well as anatomic and pathologic factors pertaining to the papilla. In an effort to minimize trauma, facilitate deep entry to the biliary system, and improve the efficiency of therapeutic ERCP, new cannulation, sphincterotomy, and guide wire devices have been developed, based on principles of safe and successful therapeutic ERCP learned over the years. By totally re-engineering familiar accessories into smaller, more flexible, and more versatile devices, the 0.025-inch guide wire-based DASH system attempts to minimize the trauma at deep CBD cannulation and thereby increase the safety and success of achieving deep cannulation and sphincterotomy. Limited clinical experience to date suggests that the DASH system can provide full-function ERCP while reducing risks and costs. Attention to cannulation has led to the development of the RX Biliary System which provides the endoscopist and the assistant with increased control of the guide wire and exchange compared with traditional devices, resulting in less stress, less hand and wrist force used for contrast injection, and easier guide wire management, all of which have been shown in clinical trials to improve the speed and efficiency of ERCP while reducing complications.