Although the enhanced activity of the polyol pathway has been detected in diabetic glomeruli, the intraglomerular localization of this pathway has not yet been well defined. In this study, we attempted to identify aldose reductase, a key enzyme of the polyol pathway, in cultured rat mesangial cells and to characterize the properties of this enzyme using enzymological and immunological methods. When the aldose reductase (DL-glyceraldehyde-reducing) activity was analyzed in mesangial cell extract, the Lineweaver-Burk plot showed concave downward curvature, and the Michaelis constant was 0.83 mM DL-glyceraldehyde, and this activity was noncompetitively inhibited by an aldose reductase inhibitor, ICI-128,436. The enzyme activity was enhanced by the addition of sulfate ion and partially suppressed by barbital. The enzyme cross-reacted with the antisera against rat lens and testis aldose reductases on Ouchterlony plate, and migrated to the region of molecular weight of about 36,500 Da on Western blotting. The presence of aldose reductase mRNA was also confirmed by Northern analysis using cDNA for rat aldose reductase, 10Q. From these results, it was concluded that the aldose reductase may exist in rat glomerular mesangial cells and may play a role in the development of diabetic glomerulopathy, though the coexistence of aldehyde reductase(s) may not be fully ruled out.