Baboons (Papio sp.) and chimpanzees (Pan troglodytes) were screened for the presence of Helicobacter pylori. The gastric mucosae of the baboons were colonized by large spiral bacteria. However, a group of adult chimpanzees were identified that were free of spiral gastric bacteria, with five animals being recruited into an H. pylori challenge study. These animals were inoculated orogastrically with one of four strains of H. pylori and followed for up to 26 weeks. H. pylori was established in one of these animals during a primary challenge and in two other animals on secondary challenge. It was shown that the chimpanzee can be infected with H. pylori and that the inflammatory response in these animals mimics that seen in humans. Infection was marked by an antibody response to H. pylori-specific antigens in two animals. It was observed that H. pylori antibody-negative chimpanzees had no apparent infection by H. pylori or related bacteria. Thus serological screening of chimpanzees can be used to identify candidate animals for further evaluation.