The contact of chronic hemodialysis patients' blood with components of extracorporeal circulation leads to mobilization of several systemic reactions. The purpose of this study was to determine the activity of transforming growth factor (TGF-beta1) and platelet derived growth factor (PDGF) in serum of patients on long-term hemodialysis program and to compare these results with ones obtained in healthy volunteers. Twenty-five patients on dialysis carried out on polysulfone membrane dialyzer, and 16 patients on dialysis with the used of cuprophan membrane dialyzer on long-term hemodialysis program participated in the study. TGF-beta1 level in serum of healthy volunteers (12.06 +/- 7.56 ng/mL) was lower than in serum of patients dialyzed on polysulfone membrane dialyzers (26.56 +/- 14.83 ng/mL). Differences in PDGF concentrations in serum of control group and hemodialyzed patients were not statistically significant. The strong correlation between TGF-beta1 and PDGF in serum of both studied groups of patients was demonstrated.