Selfing in the chestnut blight fungus, Cryphonectria parasitica, occurs by two different genetic mechanisms. Most self-fertile isolates of C. parasitica are heterokaryotic for mating type, and the progeny from selfing segregate for mating type. Further, we resolved mating-type (MAT) heterokaryons into homokaryons of both mating types by isolating uninucleate asexual spores (conidia). However, because ascospore progeny, with rare exceptions, are not MAT heterokaryons, C. parasitica must lack a regular mechanism to maintain heterokaryosis by selfing. We hypothesize that heterokaryon formation may occur either because of recurrent biparental inbreeding, or by mating-type switching, possibly one involving some kind of parasexual process. The second mechanism found for selfing in C. parasitica occurred less frequently. Three single-conidial isolates (MAT-1 and MAT-2) selfed and produced progeny that did not segregate for mating type. It is currently not known if meiosis occurs during ascospore formation by this mechanism.