There are four rRNA operons rrnA, rrnB, rrnC and rrnD on the genome of Finegoldia magna (formerly Peptostreptococcus magnus) ATCC29328, which, in contrast to those of Clostridia, are dispersed around the chromosome. Using a BAC library we determined the nucleotide sequences and structures of all four operons, including their flanking regions, and performed comparative analyses. We identified putative boxA sequences in the operons, which should be required for rRNA transcription antitermination, as well as their respective tandem promoters, AT-rich UP elements in the upstream region and Rho-independent terminators in the downstream region. The mosaic features of the operons were revealed. Multiple tRNAs were identified in the downstream region of two operons, 18 in rrnC and 11 in rrnD. They were presumed to form transcription units together with rRNAs. rrnA and rrnB had repeat units with Rho-independent terminators instead of tRNAs in the downstream region. rrnB and rrnC were the most similar in rrn upstream promoter region. Focusing on the sequence variations of rRNA genes, rrnB alone was heterogeneous. In light of previous reports, we also assessed the correlation between intercistronic rRNA sequence differences and distances between the operons, but no positive correlation was seen in this strain.