The association of postcricoid dysphagia, iron deficiency anemia and upper esophageal webs is known as the Plummer-Vinson syndrome (PVS). It is predominantly a disease of middle aged females. Four patients with cervical web of the esophagus were studied, dysphagia was mostly for solids, which were non-progressive and were present for years before they presented. Initial treatment in 3 patients consisted of esophageal dilatation with savary bougies after initial rupture of the web by endoscope. In one case, due to failure to visualize the esophageal lumen by fluoroscopy guidance, guide wire was introduced and breaking of the web was performed by the endoscope, followed by bougie dilatation. In 4 patients, webs were ruptured by the endoscope and had a single session of dilatation, with no recurrence during the 3-year period of follow up. Endoscopic esophageal dilatation is simple and the procedure of choice in the treatment of "PVS" and cervical web of the esophagus.