Background: The assessment of severe pancreatic insufficiency in cystic fibrosis (CF) is not a diagnostic problem. However, identification of mild cases remains a challenge. The aim of this study was to assess the ability of serum lipase after secretin stimulation to identify mild pancreatic insufficiency in patients with CF.
Material and methods: Thirty patients with CF and pancreatic insufficiency (CF-PI) and 30 patients with CF and pancreatic sufficiency (CF-PS) were studied. Thirty healthy subjects with no known gastrointestinal disease served as controls. In all subjects, fecal fat excretion, fecal elastase-1 (E1) concentration and basal and secretin-stimulated serum lipase concentration were measured.
Results: All patients with CF-PI and 3 with CF-PS had abnormally low fecal E1 concentrations. The remaining 27 CF-PS patients and all controls had normal values. Basal and post-stimulation lipase levels were extremely low in patients with CF-PI. Mean basal and poststimulation serum lipase concentrations were significantly higher in CF-PS who had normal fecal E1 concentrations but were still below those of controls (P < 0.001). Among the 27 CF-PS patients with normal fecal elastase, high basal and poststimulation lipase values were found in 6 and 17 patients respectively.
Conclusion: In patients with CF-PS who have normal fecal elastase-1 concentration, the measurement of basal or secretin-stimulated lipase levels might be helpful in identifying the progression of the destructive process in the pancreas.