Objective: We conducted a retrospective analysis of short- and mid-term results of endoluminal treatment of obstruction lesions involving the terminal aorta and the initial portions of the iliac arteries in 28 patients.
Patients and methods: Twenty-eight patients (9 women, 19 men, mean age 57.5 Years) presented 52 obstructive atheromatous lesions of the aorto-iliac bifurcation. The lesions were divided into three topographic groups (9 unilateral lesions, 19 bilateral ostial lesions, 5 widespread lesions of the terminal aorta) and identified as simple (44%) or complex (56%, more than 2 cm in length and/or calcified and/or eccentric).
Results: Technical success was achieved in 93% of the cases with only one hematoma of the puncture site. Primary and secondary patencies were 78.9% and 93% after a mean follow-up of 50 Months (range 4-85). Clinical outcome remained good at this term for all cases of technical success but complete resolution of the symptoms was more frequent when a stent was used (84%) than for simple balloon dilatation (49%).
Conclusion: Percutaneous treatment of obstructive lesions of the aorto-iliac bifurcation may be proposed when possible as a first-line treatment.