Studies on stroke subjects that aim to improve their well-being or community support have not been shown to be effective when measures of disability and handicap have been employed. This paper illustrates the usefulness of the Subjective Index of Physical and Social Outcome (SIPSO) with young adults following a stroke. The study comprised a cross-sectional survey of people (57% male; 39% female; median age 55.7) with a stroke (1-10 years ago), aged 18-65, recruited via NHS stroke registers and young stroke groups (response rate 53%). The SIPSO was incorporated into a postal needs-assessment questionnaire. Median SIPSO score: 24.5 (IQR 17-32). The SIPSO internal reliability: ICC 0.91 (95% CI, 0.90-0.92), item to total SIPSO correlations ranged from 0.52-0.83. The SIPSO construct validity was good: those with poorer employment, mobility and sex-life outcomes had lower SIPSO scores than those with better outcomes; there was no association between age and SIPSO scores, SIPSO scores were not significantly different for men and women. Test-retest reliability was good. The SIPSO had excellent reliability and validity properties in his population. Further work on its responsiveness needs to be carried out. The measurement of personal experience of integration can be a vital basis for effective clinical care.