Cystic change is uncommon in gastrointestinal stromal tumor, (GISTs). This report describes 1 case in which a GIST presented as a large multilocular cystic mass. Sonography of the abdomen showed a huge cystic lesion with multiple septa in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen, compressing the left lobe of the liver. Esophagogastroscopy showed only a small submucosal tumor at the anterior wall of the mid portion of the gastric body. Endoscopic sonography revealed a hypoechoic mass, measuring 0.9 x 0.7 cm, arising from the fourth layer of the anterior wall of the mid portion of the gastric body. A huge cystic tumor, containing multiple septa and continuous with the small submucosal lesion, was found. Doppler signals were detected within the septa. Laparotomy revealed a huge exophytic cystic tumor arising from the stomach. Immunohistochemical analysis confirmed that the lesion was a GIST by detecting expression of the c-kit and CD34 proteins. GIST that has undergone cystic change must be differentiated from other cystic lesions to guide the treatment approach. Imatinib mesylate is a new therapeutic alternative for patients who have advanced GIST, but surgery remains the therapy of choice for resectable disease.
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