Background: Transplantation from living donors, in Italy, is still not accepted, in particular those from unrelated donors. The aim of this paper was to present the experience of one transplant center.
Materials and methods: Since 1982, 608 transplants were performed from living donors using cyclosporine as the main component of immunosuppressive therapy. Among those, 402 transplants were from related living donors (338 one haplotype pairs and 25 zero haplotypes pairs) and 206 from unrelated living donors (171 spouses and 35 emotionally related subjects).
Results: Graft survival at 1, 5, and 10 years showed no statistically meaningful difference between the two groups. A group of 19 transplants performed in predialytic phase patients was compared with a contemporaneous group of 167 transplants performed in patients who were already receiving dialysis. These two groups did not show any statistically meaningful difference in graft survival at 1, 5, or 10 years.
Discussion and conclusions: We think that transplants from living donors, whether related or unrelated, must always be proposed as a therapeutic option for end-stage renal disease patients, since they show an higher graft survival than that from cadaveric donors, independent of the compatibility between donor and recipient and independent of the degree of relationship of the pair. Transplantation from living donors definitely is a complementary, not substitutive, program to that from cadaveric donors, which should always be encouraged with awareness campaigns among the population and targeted programs for healthy personnel.