This article represents the proceedings of a symposium at the 2003 annual meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism in Fort Lauderdale, FL. The organizers/chairs were Joseph Conigliaro and Amy Justice. The presentations were (1) Introduction, by Joseph Conigliaro and Tamra Madenwald; (2) Alcohol and HIV/AIDS: the importance of integrative and translational research, by Kendall Bryant; (3) Alcohol use and abuse among patients with HIV infection, by Joseph Conigliaro and Stephan Maisto; (4) Severity of comorbid alcohol use/abuse in HIV infection, by Amy Justice and Jeffrey Samet; (5) Estimating the impact of alcohol use on long-term HIV outcomes, by Scott Braithwaite and Amy Justice; (6) Homelessness, drug & alcohol use among HIV+ veterans, by Adam Gordon and Robert Cook; and (7) Hepatitis C & alcohol in the VACS 3 study, by Shawn Fultz and Kevin Kraemer. The symposium concluded with a discussion led and facilitated by Diedra Roach.