The aim of the study was to evaluate the frequency of the screening for HBV infection in pregnant women and the application of immunoprophylaxis in newborns to HBV carrier women. The study, carried out in 2001 for 2 months, involved 1596 pregnant women consecutively recruited in public and private hospitals of the Sardinia. Information has been collected by a questionnaire: 90.5% of the women underwent HBV screening during pregnancy and 2.6% of them were found positive to HBsAg test. Among the newborns to HBsAg carrier mothers, 89.2% received the immunoprophylaxis protocol (specific immunoglobulin and the first dose of vaccine within 24 hours from birth). Two variables resulted statistically associated with the lack of adherence to HBV screening: the original family size of women (more than 4 members in the household) and the delivery in a private hospital. These findings point out a satisfactory adherence to HBV screening during pregnancy and the application of immunisation protocol in most of the newborns to HBsAg carrier mothers. However, the increase of information programs turned to the population is required to reach the total application of the prevention tools available in Italian public health.