Introduction: Levetiracetam (LEV) is a recently marketed novel anti-epileptic drug with a promising efficacy and safety profile. In this report we describe two patients who presented with enterocolitis and discuss the possible relationship with concurrent LEV intake.
Patients: In two patients. LEV was initiated to control refractory complex partial seizures (CPS). The first patient was treated with 1500 mg/day and complained of abdominal pain and weight loss 6 months later. Internal examination and colonoscopy revealed a punctate colitis. The second patient presented with bloody stool 1 month after LEV initiation. Colonoscopy showed punctate colitis. In both patients gastrointestinal symptoms disappeared following tapering of LEV.
Discussion: There are no reports in the literature describing colitis related to LEV intake. Three possible mechanisms of action are discussed. Colitis may be part of a hypersensitivity syndrome caused by LEV. Pharmacodynamic interactions with other anti-epileptic drugs, for example, carbamazepine may play a role. A haematological adverse event is another possibility since piracetam, a related molecule, has a known impact on erythrocytes and platelets.
Conclusion: The close temporal relationship between initiation of LEV intake, symptomatic colitis and clinical improvement following LEV tapering, suggests that colitis may be a possible and previously undescribed adverse effect of LEV.