The fast acquisition interleaved spin-echo (FAISE) sequence and its dual-echo version (DEFAISE) are partial RF echo-planar methods which utilize a specific phase-encode reordering algorithm to manipulate T2 contrast via an operator-controlled pseudo-echo time, pTE. The repetition time, TR, between successive applications of the Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill (CPMG) echo trains used in FAISE may be reduced to introduce T1 weighting. To quantitatively determine the extent to which FAISE T1 and T2 contrast characteristics agree with spin-echo methods, signal intensities from FAISE acquisitions were compared with signal intensities from equivalent CPMG acquisitions. In phantoms and in human heads, the contrast characteristics of FAISE are found to be highly correlated with that obtained with equivalent CPMG sequences. However, conventional SE sequences generally utilize longer echo spacings than employed with FAISE/CPMG. Thus, echo spacing-dependent mechanisms such as spin-spin coupling and magnetic susceptibility lead to some differences in contrast between conventional SE and FAISE. Finally, FAISE appears to be more sensitive to magnetization transfer effects than conventional SE sequences since more off-resonance irradiation is applied to individual slices during multislice acquisitions.