There are several drugs available for the treatment of giardiasis in cats, including metronidazole. The purpose of this study was to determine whether metronidazole benzoate administered at a dose of 25 mg/kg, orally, twice a day for 7 days lessens or eliminates Giardia cyst shedding in cats with chronic infection. Twenty-six, adult, laboratory-reared cats were used in this study. Sixteen cats had been inoculated orally with cysts of a human Giardia sp. isolate and had completed a Giardia vaccine study in one animal holding room. The other ten cats were infected with the same Giardia sp. presumably by contamination from the adjacent room where the Giardia vaccine study cats were located. From each cat, a fecal sample was collected within 1 week of the start of treatment and then every 2 to 4 days for 15 days after treatment was completed. Fecal samples were analyzed for the presence of Giardia cysts using a commercially available direct immunofluorescence test (IFA). Clinical signs of drug toxicity were not detected during the study.