Detection of local or regional metastases to lymph nodes is clinically important in virtually any type of primary tumor. Current imaging techniques rely heavily on the size criterion for characterization of nodal disease. However, size can be an ineffective parameter for diagnosis of tumor spread to lymph nodes. Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging performed before and after administration of ferumoxtran-10 is a promising technique for characterization of lymph nodes in patients with various primary tumors. Normal homogeneous uptake of ferumoxtran-10 in nonmetastatic nodes shortens the T2 and T2*, turning these nodes dark, whereas malignant nodes lack uptake and remain hyperintense. To optimize acquisition strategies, the following factors should be considered: the timing of contrast material-enhanced imaging, the section thickness, the imaging plane, and the imaging parameters for T2*-weighted sequences. In addition, MR imaging with ferumoxtran-10 allows presurgical mapping of lymph nodes and quantitative estimation of T2*.
Copyright RSNA, 2004