Weekly resource use data for local wound treatment was collected from a clinical survey (138 patients). Annual costs were calculated from the weekly resource usage multiplied by unit costs and published epidemiological prevalence data for Sweden. The average weekly cost was 101 euro, though it differed depending by ulcer size. The total direct annual cost of venous leg ulcers in Sweden could be estimated at 73 million euro (2002 prices, 1 euro = SEK 9.16) based on a point prevalence of 0.3 percent and 45 percent venous ulcers. Treatment of leg ulcers seems to have improved compared with previous reports, resulting in slightly decreased costs. Nevertheless, the costs are still substantial and the management of these patients requires large resources. A more structured management, more careful selection of dressing products and decreased frequency of dressing changes imply further improvements in wound healing and quality of life for patients and decreased costs for the health care system and for society.